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Five Essential Automated Flows Every E-Commerce Business Needs

Here are five essential automated flows every e-commerce business needs. These not only increase productivity but also save time. Check below to know in detail. 

An online retailer operates nonstop, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It should always be operating and taking commands. Every e-commerce company needs some amount of automation since it is impractical to constantly have a crew managing the store. Ecommerce technology innovation enables business owners to reduce or eliminate personnel functions. Although the newcomers may initially think it is a luxury, they will eventually come to understand that it is a requirement. In this infographic, we explain five essential automated flows every e-commerce business needs. 

Automated Flows for E-Commerce Business

What is e-commerce automation? How to implement it?

Ecommerce automation, as defined, uses technology to boost team members’ productivity and revenue for your company. Automation enables businesses to save operating expenses, restructure employee activities, and improve customer service. E-commerce automation consists of a number of preset and tailored operations. E-commerce automation primarily consists of three important elements:
  • An occurrence that signals that automation should begin:
  • The condition that specifies what the automation will perform is the next step.
  • In the end, a function-performer activity without human involvement is the outcome.
In order to do logistics, the order must first be obtained and processed. Following that, an inventory must be packed. Because of this, a B2B e-commerce site with five essential automated flows every e-commerce business needs.

Five Essential Automated Flows Every E-Commerce Business Needs

  • Welcome Flow

A welcome flow of emails is delivering to a person when they sign up for your email list for the first time. In order to engage and turn new subscribers into customers, the welcome series, which typically consists of 3-6 emails, should be properly prepared. This is one of the most fundamental email flows you should have in place for your marketing plan, but it’s also one of the most crucial. This is due to the fact that the majority of subscribers to mailing lists make a purchase within 10 days.
  • Discount Flow

One intriguing feature of email automation is the ability to time your messages to arrive just when a consumer is ready to complete a transaction.

You may ensure that you remove price as an obstacle before they make a transaction by emailing the discount just before they go to the basket based on past sales data. Additionally, you may utilize discount emails to connect with consumers who have previously bought a product but haven’t done so in a while. In order to revive an inactive customer account in this scenario, a discount email would be utilize.
  • Checkout Abandoned Flow

Because it can occur for a multitude of reasons, browse abandonment is a more difficult issue to solve than cart abandonment. Price is typically the factor in cart abandonment that prevents the buyer from making the purchase. With browser desertion, on the other hand, you have very little knowledge of what actually happened. You may address this issue by including email automations that are started by category browsing. Then, send emails including the goods the browser was interested in, as well as one or two other products.
  • Post-Purchase Flow

Most marketers make the error of assuming that once a sale has been achieved, the marketing funnel is closed. However, that is actually the point at which a customer and business relationship genuinely begins. Even if retailers use the post-purchase flow, they just use it to communicate tracking and delivery details. The brand purpose, founding narrative, manufacturing method, and relatable customer anecdotes. Your own team’s or family’s experiences tied to your mission are typically lacking. 

Second, while your consumers are in the purchasing mode, this flow is a fantastic chance to cross-sell them on a different product. Many business owners are afraid of upsetting their consumers, therefore they don’t try to cross-sell another product through this flow.
  • Win-back Flow

Every e-commerce company experiences subscribers who stop buying after a while. However, this does not mean that you should disregard some of your audience the moment they stop paying attention. The ideal strategy to revive a subscriber’s interest in your brand and get them to reconnect is with a potent, well-planned win-back series. Don’t think it can succeed?

Validity research states that 45% of recipients of win-back messages will read the following emails. So, there is yet some chance. With a win-back workflow, it may pique the attention of over half of your subscribers once more. An email campaign call a “win-back series” aims to reactivate inactive clients and, when executed well, generate revenue. Regarding the trigger, this flow differs from other forms of automation.      

Benefits of implementing these five essential automated flows every e-commerce business needs

  • Save time

The time saved by automating monotonous processes might be unexpected. Imagine what you could do with the extra time if you didn’t have to keep track of remembering to do things and completing them. In many instances, e-commerce automation can handle them better, saving you the time and effort of going back and fixing mistakes.
  • Reduce error

Consistent mistakes and poor data management can seriously hurt your company’s bottom line by driving away consumers. Your ecommerce company’s success depends on accurate data and information management. Given the constant presence of so much data on your website, an automated procedure may save you time and guard against serious mistakes being made due to human error. Your customers and you may feel secure knowing that the information you’re receiving is accurate since it’s supported by hard facts and computer code.
  • Productivity of teams

E-commerce automation may benefit your entire workforce in just that way. They may just check in with the system sometimes rather than having to enter data every morning since it makes sense to do so. It may give the squad fresh life and excitement.  
  • Improve customer experience

90% of users say that a timely answer is critical when they have a customer service query, demonstrating the importance of expediency and responsiveness on a website. You may assure high client satisfaction and retention by automating customer service procedures and processes, from chat programs to self-service choices.
  • Increase sales and marketing

Ecommerce sales and marketing teams may greatly benefit from automation in a number of ways. Delivering a tailored consumer experience through customer engagement and segmentation in real-time. By automatically sending out emails or messages in reaction to consumer activity, you can guarantee a prompt response. enabling dynamic and proactive email marketing automation campaigns with time-triggered marketing campaigns.


We have covered every facet of automation in the e-commerce sector in this infographic. At DigitilizeWeb, we have experience building highly automated e-commerce sites to synchronize operations between several departments. Next-generation e-commerce solutions with cutting-edge features and capabilities are something we can build. Please let us know what you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

The process of automating tedious processes, streamlining workflows, and optimising different areas of your online business is known as ecommerce automation. Software, tools, and technology are used in this process.

There are three flows: Post-Purchase, Pre-Purchase, and Abandon Cart. Each flow contains just one email. Thus, the most crucial thing you should accomplish is this. This is all that is necessary for you to accomplish in order to continue.

Yes. Businesses may save time and money by implementing automation, which also speeds up and improves workflow operations.

Indeed, a number of customer relationship management (CRM) systems and email marketing automation platforms include features and templates especially made for e-commerce company automation setup and administration. HubSpot, Klaviyo, ActiveCampaign, and Mailchimp are a few examples.

Amazon automation can refer to both contracting a company to create an Amazon business for you and automating particular duties and procedures inside your Amazon business.

A maximum of 5,000 external email addresses may receive a single email from each licenced Salesforce organisation each day.

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