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Top 20 Ecommerce Mobile App Features in 2024

In 2016, an ecommerce app consisting just of a product listing and a shopping cart may have been rather successful. Nonetheless, even if you provide the lowest pricing on the market in 2024, it won’t help you get sales. That’s why it is crucial to know the top 20 ecommerce mobile app features in 2024. 

New app concepts are continuously coming up, and the market for mobile apps is always changing. Selecting an interesting and potentially profitable concept is crucial for startups planning to create mobile applications. Instead, to draw in and retain users, your app should provide a balance of basic and sophisticated functionality. Below is a list of every function your ecommerce app should have, to make your life simpler.

Innovative ecommerce app features

Innovative ecommerce app features

Some of the cutting-edge features your ecommerce app needs to have are listed below. By keeping users interested in your software, these features not only benefit them but also increase your income.
  • Dynamic price

This feature, as the name implies, allows for the real-time modification of product prices in response to availability, supply and demand, and rival pricing. This may optimise your income by modifying pricing in response to seasonal variations or periods of increased demand. Users that utilise dynamic pricing can also save money since prices decrease in off-peak times or when there is a surplus of inventory. They can take advantage of fantastic deals, and you can sell more items more quickly in the interim.
  • Voice and visual research

Too often, the same thing occurs with your consumers, which may discourage them from purchasing the product entirely. Additionally, you don’t want to lose people because they can’t discover a product by writing a microblog and checking eighteen filters.

However, you may prevent this situation by offering your customers the ability to visually or vocally search a product, where they can submit an image of the item or ask your app for it directly. This spares your users from having to type or scroll endlessly. Your ecommerce app is smarter with voice and visual search, which makes buying more personalised and convenient.
  • Bio metric authentication

This is due to the fact that they are a more convenient and safe method of logging in than passwords or patterns. Now, you don’t want users of your app to be unable to use it simply due to forgetting their password. You should let users access your app using their device’s biometric authentication in order to prevent this.

In addition to giving customers a smooth login experience, this will give an additional degree of protection in case someone tries to use their account fraudulently. Additionally, you may employ biometrics to offer a smooth checkout process so that consumers can use their biometrics instead of entering their credit card information or payment details each time.
  • One-click checkout

One-click checkout boosts sales by appealing to your consumers’ impulsive nature and simplifying the process of making an impulse purchase. This checkout is more than just a button; it demonstrates your app’s dedication to providing a simple and enjoyable purchase experience. 
  • Augmented reality

Augmented Reality (AR) enhances the shopping experience by allowing customers to zoom in on products, view them from all sides, and feel them like they would in a physical store. Reduced returns are another benefit of an AR feature; in some circumstances, the reduction might reach 40%. This is because your clients will have reasonable expectations and will know what they are purchasing.

Top 20 ecommerce mobile app features in 2024

  • Register and log in

Simplify registration forms, and enable users to log in using their email address, external accounts like Facebook or Google, or a personal password to expedite the login procedure for users of your software. Easier access leads directly to higher conversion rates and sales volume.
  • Cart for purchases

A shopping cart is one of the best features of mobile commerce apps. Any online business, including mobile shopping apps, has to include this capability. You may improve user satisfaction and provide consumers the freedom they want while making purchases by integrating a shopping cart into your online business. The success of your mobile commerce app depends on how well it adapts to user preferences and behaviours. 
  • Simple surfing

A mobile ecommerce app should make it very simple to browse items, free of problems like reloading failures, etc. This is one of the top 20 ecommerce mobile app features in 2024. It suggests that product pictures and brief descriptions be included on this page. Users should be able to locate the search bar, navigate to the category menu, filter results, and access the product page in addition to adding items to their shopping carts on this screen.
  • Product Page

The product page ought to include: Multiple viewpoints on the product should be available to users. When it comes to clothing, it’s best to see them on many models. A thorough explanation of the product’s features, origin, advantages, return policy, etc. It serves as a location to provide the user with all the product details and may include images. The description can be broken up into categories like ingredients, origine, returns, and reviews. 

This is one of the top 20 ecommerce mobile app features in 2024. Your consumer may now choose to return to the list in order to peruse further goods. The “Go back” button is thus required. It’s crucial that in this case, the redirection points to the user’s entry point rather than the top of the goods list.
  • The search bar

Users should be able to utilise the search engine to locate certain goods or categories when they are perusing the products. Customers should be able to browse without being distracted by the search bar, which should also be clearly visible.
  • Wishlist

Products can be added to a wish list or favourites list in an ecommerce mobile app, which allows users to peruse them later, check their pricing every day, or purchase them when they’re ready. You may also monitor your clients’ interests using this feature.
  • Options for payment

Having several payment alternatives is unquestionably essential! You should include a few different payment methods in your mobile ecommerce app to foster consumer loyalty and enhance the user experience. They could consist of: 
    • Payments with credit cards
    • regular bank transfers
    • Quick transfers
    • Mobile wallet payments (Apple Pay, Google Pay)
    • possibilities for deferred payments. 
It’s crucial for more than just simple payment processing and excellent customer service. Multiple payment options can affect a customer’s loyalty since happy customers who can use their preferred way of payment will return to your shop.
  • Contact information for customer service

Allowing people to get in touch with customer support whenever they need it is crucial. They should be able to get in touch if they need additional information, need to report an issue or error, or require any type of help. The ability to do it from within the app would be a fantastic extra feature.
  • Live conversation

Also, you may allow your customers to communicate with customer support in real time using chat. In ecommerce apps, this kind of functionality is usually beneficial and may significantly enhance the user experience. This is one of the top 20 ecommerce mobile app features in 2024.
  • Product evaluations

You may improve your mobile ecommerce app by adding a review or rating system for the products you offer. A strong competitive edge may be yours with an efficient feedback system! Though thorough product descriptions are important, internet buyers also want to read other people’s reviews before purchasing in order to determine whether the item is a good fit for them. Consider allowing app users to leave anonymous reviews as well. 
  • Social media exchange

Users should be able to share products on social media with their friends using ecommerce apps. It’s handy for users, and it’s also free advertising. In addition to social media, there should be additional channels for sharing, such as texting the product page, emailing the offer, and copying the link. 
  • Push alerts

Regardless of the industry, implementing push notifications from mobile apps is crucial. Push notifications for mobile commerce have to provide details about orders, shipping status, specials, discounts, and reminders. Notifications on product discounts from your clients’ wish lists are another option. Without a doubt, that would increase client loyalty!
  • Specific recommendations

In addition to alerts, ecommerce applications may provide a dedicated area where users may review customised recommendations and suggestions based on past purchases, browsing history, and wish lists. One potential addition to the offering may be one-day only flash sales and discounts. 
  • Programme for membership and loyalty

Many online retailers provide their consumers the opportunity to earn discounts by accruing points throughout their purchases using a unique application. It makes sense to use a unique mobile commerce app to promote loyalty. Users can be encouraged to download and use the app at your stores by using the app to share promotion codes with them. This is one of the top 20 ecommerce mobile app features in 2024.

The act of downloading an application onto their mobile devices and utilising it each time they purchase at a retailer is easy, straightforward, and yields significant benefits in the shape of exclusive deals and discounts.
  • Comparison of products

Product comparison is a smart feature to add to ecommerce apps. Users of the software may add many goods to a comparison list and see the differences and similarities between them. Personalised content may be delivered via an ecommerce mobile app in a variety of ways, giving customers new opportunities to engage with brands and items. An example of personalised content would be a guide explaining how to select the ideal product for a certain need, such as “How to pick the best dress for your body type.” You establish yourself as a leading authority and innovator. 
  • Order Monitoring

Easier access to the shipment status of things bought in-store is another convenient feature offered by many online retailers. Providing this option improves the quality of the customer’s contact with your shop after they make their purchase and helps you become more transparent.  Customers who have purchased things from the online shop can use this function to estimate the arrival date and time of their purchases. This is one of the top 20 ecommerce mobile app features in 2024.
  • Live broadcasts

Live broadcasting and ecommerce are combined to create live commerce. It’s just online streaming shopping that allows you to watch and shop simultaneously. With live streaming’s recent rise in popularity, using it for marketing and sales goals makes sense. It is considered to be the ecommerce revolution’s next big thing. Including a function like this in your ecommerce app might lead to a remarkable expansion of your company.
  • Voice Recognition

Voice commerce is an artificial intelligence-based technology that allows you to shop using only your voice and a smart device, such as a smartphone or smart speaker. The key reason for the popularity of this trend is that, out of all the mobile buying options, conversational commerce is the most practical, quick, and user-friendly. This is one of the top 20 ecommerce mobile app features in 2024. It doesn’t even need that you be able to use your hands or have any understanding of contemporary technology! Considering that using voice commerce just requires you to give a command to complete an online purchase. Thus, perhaps it would be wise to include it in your ecommerce app as well.
  • Virtual and augmented reality

Augmented reality, or AR, is being used by online merchants in their ecommerce applications more and more. This type of visual commerce stands apart from other ecommerce developments. For example, you may utilise it to draw in buyers who like to view products in person before making a purchase. Virtual reality is a fantastic chance for all online retailers to showcase their goods. Digital shopping has never been this similar to in-person shopping.  In their home, for instance, IKEA allows its customers to view the furniture and accessories in real time.
  • Analytics for mobile apps

Finally, a function that is only for you and your company and has no bearing on users. Integration of an analytics solution such as Google Analytics or Firebase, is highly recommended since it’s critical to monitor user behaviour. It also continuously modifies and enhance your ecommerce software based on this data. Although it’s not technically incorporated as a feature in a mobile app, you still need to link it with your ecommerce app in order to read and analyse all data. Every internet retailer must abide by this guideline.

In 2024, if you’re considering developing a new e-commerce app, you should incorporate some cutting-edge features along with the aforementioned critical aspects. By using all of these aspects, you can provide your clients with distinctive shopping experiences that will entice them to make additional purchases. Developing an app from the ground up with a prototype that follows your user’s journey through to the end is always a smart idea. 

At DigitilizeWeb, we’re experts in the creation of mobile commerce apps UK.  Our expert are aware of the market trends and customer needs, so, if you are looking for any service related to App development then you must visit our website. For more follow us on LinkedIn
Frequently Asked Questions

One-click checkout simplifies the purchasing process, appealing to users' impulsive nature and reducing friction during checkout, ultimately boosting sales by providing a seamless and quick purchase experience.

Augmented reality enhances the shopping experience by allowing users to interact with products virtually, view them from different angles, and make more informed purchasing decisions, ultimately reducing returns and increasing user engagement.

The wishlist feature allows users to save products for future reference, track price changes, and make purchases when ready, enhancing user experience and facilitating product discovery and decision-making.

Offering multiple payment options caters to diverse user preferences, enhances user convenience, and fosters customer loyalty by providing flexibility in payment methods, ultimately improving the overall user experience.

Real-time live chat support enables users to communicate with customer service representatives instantly, addressing queries, resolving issues, and providing assistance, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Push notifications keep users informed about order updates, special offers, discounts, and reminders, improving engagement, retention, and overall user experience by delivering relevant and timely information.
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